FBI Background Check Apostille Washington DC

Do you need a FBI Background Check Apostille?

Every month, our Washington DC apostille service processes hundreds of FBI background checks through the U.S. Department of State.  Over 110 apostille member countries have joined the convention making a background check a very important document to apostille.

If you are planning to move, continue your education, get married, obtain dual-citizenship, etc.. you will be asked to obtain an apostille on your FBI criminal background check.  In order to obtain your background check, you will need to contact an approved FBI channeler.  An approved Channeler will help expedite the background check process saving you time and money.

Once you obtain your background check by mail or email, the next step is to send in your document to our DC office. If you obtain your background check by regular mail (Hard copy), you can mail in this original document to our DC office.  Pleas note that hard copy FBI background checks are typically printed on tamper-resistant paper.  If you try to make a copy, you will see “VOID” or “COPY”.  Be sure to mail in the original you received in the mail to avoid any delays.

If you received your FBI background check by email, you can email us the PDF copy including our order form and credit card authorization form. Our email address is: support@WashingtonDCapostille.com.  You can also download the forms from our website or you can call us and we will email you the forms and instructions.

What makes our service unique is that our Washington, D.C. office is minutes way from the U.S. Department of State office of authentications.  This Department is responsible for affixing the apostille to FBI background checks.

Here is a list of common questions:

  1. Q. How fast can you apostille my FBI background check?

    A. In four business days.
  2. Q. What is the cost for the apostille?

    A. Visit our rates web page for more information.
  3. Q. Do you provide return shipping?

    A. Yes, we provide FedEx overnight return shipping at no additional cost.

We recommend that you contact our Washington DC apostille office for answer to your questions.  Our DC office is open Monday – Saturday from 8am to 7pm.  1-202-779-9611