FBI Background Check Apostille

Do you need an Apostille for your FBI Background Check?

The U.S. Department of State – Office of Authentications authenticates documents issued by the FBI for use in a country who is a member of the Hague Apostille Convention.  As of this article, there are 105 countries who are members of the Hague Apostille Convention.

We provide fast 1-3 business day service which includes hand-delivering your document to the US Department of State and picking up your document once complete.  We also provide UPS overnight shipping for next business morning delivery to your home or office (excluding: Saturday, Sunday, Major Holidays, & International Shipping).

When submitting your fingerprints to the FBI, you’ll also need to request authentication of your background check results.  This letter is generally signed by a Section Chief, Biometric Services Section of the Criminal Justice Information Services Division (CJIS).

Here is what you need to say to the FBI… I need the FBI seal and signature of a division official on my background check so I can get it authenticated (apostilled).”

Here is a sample of the authentication letter you’ll receive from the FBI:

FBI Apostille Example

The Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) will authenticate U.S. Department of Justice Order 556-73 fingerprint search results for international requests by placing the FBI seal and the signature of a division official on the results if requested at the time of submission.

Documents prepared in this way may then be sent to our office so we can obtain the Apostille for the US Department of State in Washington, D.C.   If you haven’t already began the process of submitting your fingerprints, you’ll need to first contact an FBI Approved Channeler for instructions.

We recommend:

Accurate Biometrics

(773) 685-5699

National Background Check, Inc.
(877) 932-2435

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