Social Security Administration (SSA) Benefits and Income Statement Apostille

Social Security ApostilleDo you need an apostille on your Social Security Administration (SSA) Benefits and Income Statement?

If you are planning to move to Ecuador, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Paraguay, Uruguay, or any of the Latin American countries listed below, you will be asked to obtain an apostille on your Social Security Administration (SSA) Benefits and Income Statement.  In addition to this document, you will also be required to obtain an apostille on your FBI background check.  More information here: Apostille FBI .  In order to obtain the FBI background check, you will need to contact an approved FBI channeler.

You have several choices on how you can obtain the SSA Benefits and Income statement.  You can either contact the local Social Security Administration office near you or you can print your Income and Benefits Statement from the Social Security Administration website located here: .  Please note that the Social Security Administration website has strict time limits on when you can obtain your statements from the online website.

Apostille DocumentosOnce you have obtained the most recent copy, go ahead and mail in this document to our Washington DC office for processing.  We will either apostille your document through the Secretary of the District of Columbia or the U.S. Department of State.  The processing time is four business days or less and we do provide FedEx return shipping at no additional cost.  If you require international shipping, please add $100 (FedEx international priority shipping).

The Social Security Benefits and Income Statement is a U.S. Federal Government document and cannot be notarized or processed through any State.  This document can only be apostilled through our Washington, D.C. office.

Our Washington D.C. office has authenticated thousands of Social Security documents and FBI background checks.  Once you have your documents, go ahead and mail them in to our DC office for processing.

Apostilles can be complicated. Don’t leave this process to untrained employees or non-professionals who do not fully understand the Apostille process and the unique requirements of certain countries. Your paperwork could be rejected costing you time and money. Don’t let this happen to you!

Our Washington D.C. staff is available Monday – Saturday from 8am to 7pm to answer your questions.  You can also contact us at 1-888-810-4054 or 1-202-779-9611.


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