New York Apostille

Do you need New York Apostille Services? 

Our apostille office in New York City can process your documents in as little as 1-2 business days plus FedEx overnight return shipping.

The most common documents we can apostille from our NYC apostille office are: Birth certificates, marriage certificates, divorce decrees, death certificates, notarized documents, national archives records, diploma and transcripts, background checks, and more!

New York is the only state that requires County Clerk issued documents to also be certified by the County Clerk (Exemplification) before the NY Department of State will attach the apostille.  95% of all documents received at our NYC office will require these two steps.

There are 62 Counties in NYC.  Most of the documents received at our NYC apostille office originate from the following Counties: Kings County, Queens County, New York County, Suffolk County, Bronx County, Nassau Country, and Westchester County.

A County Clerk exemplification is attached to the original document certifying the official who has signed the document.  Here is an example of a New York County Clerk Exemplification.

Below is an example of a New York Department of State apostille authenticating the official who has signed the County Clerk exemplification.

New York City Boroughs: Manhattan Apostille – Brooklyn Apostille – Queens Apostille – Bronx Apostille – Staten Island Apostille

New York City Counties: New York County Apostille – Kings County Apostille – Queens County Apostille – Bronx County Apostille – Richmond County Apostille

Other popular areas: Long Island Apostille – Suffolk County Apostille – Nassau County Apostille – Westchester County Apostille – Albany New York Apostille – State of New York Apostille – New York Secretary of State Apostille

Obtaining an apostille can be complicated and time-consuming. Don’t leave this process to untrained employees or non-professionals who do not fully understand the apostille process and the unique requirements of certain countries. Your paperwork could be rejected costing you time and money. Don’t let this happen to you!